Calling Future Scientists
Te Ipukarea Society (TIS) is calling for applicants from year 12 and 13 students who have an interest in biology and science to participate in a Marine Science workshop.

Representatives from TIS, Ministry of Marine Resources, Climate Change Cook Islands, Ministry of Education, Natural Heritage Trust and the Pacific Islands Conservation Initiative will cover a number of topics including marine biodiversity, use of microscopes, testing for presence of ciguatera and water quality monitoring.
There will also be a chance to get wet, with training in some practical survey methods for fish, other kai moana and corals, carried out in the lagoon.
The Ministry of Education has helped TIS to identify students from the outer islands and Rarotonga who will attend. However TIS are happy to receive applications from any other students who might be interested.
The free workshop will be held over four days from April 14 -17 at the TIS office in Tupapa. Participants will gain key skills and experience within the marine science field of study, and will be informed about exciting career opportunities.
Places are limited, so get in quick for more information by calling 21144. Applications close on March 20.